Huna Das Happiness Spiritual Story

Attitude of Karmatude

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Story: The Boy and the Monk

Goal: Good Karma

There was a very wise Monk who lived in a secluded monastery in a large cave along Mount Kailash near Tibet. He was very smart and had been meditating daily, teaching and doing good works since he was a young boy. He became so powerful that he was able to take a look at someone and see their future in less than 2-3 minutes.

This Monk had a young disciple aged 8. He was a great person, doing everything that was expected of him during his studies at the Monastery. One day when the boy came to see the Master Monk, the monk saw his future instantly and it was not good. He saw him dying in 6 months. So, the Monk, thinking it best that the boy die surrounded by family, said to the young boy: Go home tomorrow and visit your family, this is what you must do.

The boy needed to travel quite a long way to get home, and home he went. With a slight detour…

One day when the master Monk was sweeping the front entrance to the famed monastery, his eyes widened and who did he see? It was the boy returning to the Monastery just after 5 months had gone by.

The Monk was astonished to see him, the boys eyes glistening with Joy, Love, Peace and most importantly LIFE! The monk read him right away and saw that he would live to be 101 years old. Wow! thought the Master Monk, what has occurred here?

So he asked the young boy: So tell me what have you been doing the last 5 months? The Boy replied that on the way home to visit his family a monstrous storm occurred and brought much water to the land. The boy found himself standing along the shore, looking out on to a small island that had formed around the staggering waves from the storm.

The boy noticed a large colony of ants, stranded on this island in the middle of the raging waters. The boy told the Master Monk that he grabbed a vast amount of twigs and twisted them together to form a bridge between the land and the island with the immense amount of ants on it.

The boy stayed in the pouring rain until every single ant was guided to safety with his make-shift bridge. To say the least, it was quite a large quantity of ants and took days to get them all to safety. The boy then continued his travels to his family. Stayed 140 days, then returned to the Monastery. The Karma from saving the ants gave the boy over 100 more years to live his life in peace, love, and happiness. All from doing good for other sentient beings, producing an overflowing amount of Great Karma for the boy.

The Master Monk and the boy continued their lives at the monastery accomplishing many good deeds including taking care of ailing neighbors bringing them good health with their secret medicinal herbs and dynamic healing thoughts. The Monastery never went hungry and is still thriving in 2023.

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Celebrate an Attitude of Gratitude and Karmatude Today and Everyday.

Have a Positive, Pleasant, Peaceful Day!

Huna Das Happiness Sunday Sermon

21 Days to a New You

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Refrain from Complaining in your Membrane

We tend to give you something to do, today we are giving you something not to do. Do NOT Complain…ever. Whatever you may think is going on around you, do not complain about it. High Gas prices, covid, unhealthy body parts, lack of Money. They are all illusions. God is large and in charge and always available to you.

Complaining will do nothing for you! Spirit will only hear complaining and negativity and will give you more to complain about. Spirit needs to hear God talk, Powerful positive conversations, Loving compassion, Praise of yourself and others.

Complaining brings more to complain about

Love brings more Love

Joy brings more Joy

Happiness brings more Happiness

You get it, think of great awesomeness and get the correct rewards. Complain or be negative and the universe will bring you more of that! Think of what you would like to receive and think it all day long. What kinds of things you think and say will come your way

Where Attention Goes, Power Flows

Now, you can address an issue. This is different than complaining. This would be like telling the waiter that your steak isn’t cooked enough, Can you please cook it up some more? This does not mean going off on how the restaurant isn’t as good as it once was, how the Chefs were better before, it’s too Hot in here, prices are so high. Actually its bad for me to even write these things that are negative. I need to protect my own consciousness as I teach today’s tips for better success in life. Don’t complain or be negative, but it is ok to address an issue. You are not a door mat when you are practicing spiritual laws

You could say something like this: Please cook my steak some more, your earrings are beautiful, have a nice evening. This is a lot better way to get things done than to complain. You can address a problem, go to the source to fix it or come up with your own idea on how to fix it. Complaining will not get you results you are looking for like solution finding will

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Put a stretchy bracelet or a rubber band on your wrist. Try to go 21 days without complaining, criticizing or condemning. If you do one of these 3 things, SNAP your wrist band (OUCH!) For every bad C you do, you get punished and reminded that complaining brings pain and unhappiness. Your goal is to bring Excitement, Happiness, Peace and Joy to the Party!

If you bump into a complaint party at the “water cooler” Either leave immediately or give words of encouragement, praise or positivity. Remember as Eric Butterworth taught us we ALWAYS HAVE A CHOICE! Today’s choice is to choose Happiness, Peace, Prosperity, Wisdom and Joy. No complaining is allowed. Do not even do it a little bit. There is zero tolerance on complaining for the next 21 days, then you can decide what to do for the next 21 days.

Best wishes on your next 21 days to a more successful Life. I wish you Blessings Today and many more on the way!

Today’s article inspired by Gaylon McDowell at CUT, Norman Vincent Peale, Eric Butterworth and Charles Fillmore. 2/18/22

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Have a Positive, Pleasant, Peaceful Day!

Mind Tool Kit

Quick & Easy Vibratory Increase

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Praise your way to a higher Frequency

Some days you may be in a bigger hurry than others, you may forget to pray or meditate. If you need an quick and easy fix, just read Philippians 4:8. Read it 5 times and immediately change your state of being.

feel old, if you think and say great thoughts, you will have an awesome day. Today, I had a stomach ache, so I concentrated very hard on Healthy, healing, uplifting thoughts and in doing so, I ran into Philippians 4:8 three times. First: I read it on my fridge door Second: I heard it in my spiritual class Third: It showed up on my bedtime YouTube Video. Seeing it so many times today, I decided to share it with you. Hope it helps with your situation. It’s a classic, yet still quick and effective way to praise your way to the top of the mountain

The following is Philippians Chapter 4 Verse 8 (4:8) AKA The Main Letter from the Apostle Paul


Read this daily or when you are in a crunch. Keep it on your wall, in your phone, near your car’s steering wheel. Use it, review it, and praise your way to a higher frequency

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Have a Positive, Powerful, Peaceful Day!

Mind Sunday Sermon

You can do it but at what cost?

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In the month of November 2021 I repeated the words I am Prosperous and Abundant Right now. I started with 2-4 times a day and by the end of the month I was up to 30-40x per day. I had a goal of hitting my sales budget at work. Even though we were still in a semi lock down due to Covid, I decided I could do it.

I repeated the affirmation so many times that I came within 3k of hitting my November goal and it helped me with my December numbers, which is at 120% of budget. This came from a lot of the work I did in November. (Today’s date 12/12/21)

I like to think I usually stay in a pretty good state of balance. Money, Relationships, Food and Shelter, Exercise, Spiritual and controlling my Mind Power. In November, I slipped on pretty much everything except Prosperity. I can tell you from this experience, that things you may not think you can do, you can. But it may take a toll on the other aspects of your state of being.

In December it caught up to me. I got extremely bloated, was tired, and had headaches. This past Saturday, my stomach got so bloated it was Hard like a Rock and I couldn’t go to the bathroom for 2.5 days. I thought I had a bowel blockage and they wanted me to come to the ER. I calmed myself, ate only fruit and vegetables and got exercise and SLEPT. I fell better now (Monday). The cause of my body getting out of whack was due to not eating right, not enough exercise, I had stopped meditating and was basically just doing one thing. Trying to hit my numbers through affirmation and action.

I do not recommend being on a one track plan. I do want you to know that you can do anything thru God who strengthens you. Things are possible. But to sacrifice your health is not Good. God would not want you to do that.

I am proud that I almost hit my numbers in November and over achieved in December. But I am not happy that I could have ended up in the hospital.

Ya know, what else happened during all of this. 6 people at my job quit. We only have 34 people, now we have 28. I was so set on hitting my budget and staying out of any fray. I must not have noticed anything around me. I worked on myself to be prosperous so much that I lost touch with my co-workers. It’s not a normal month, when 6 people disappear. Good thing is I’ll never know what they THOUGHT they saw happening around and to them. Because I was just working on myself to get to my goal.

PRO TIP: I picked this tip up in November. People like to gossip and talk about why people left. This or that or whatever it was. Number one: Remember No one or Nothing can affect your good mood. Number two: If asked why did they leave, just say: You gotta ask them, I don’t know. And you really don’t know. I love this saying and will use it more often when confronted with unwanted gossip.

Today’s lesson: You can achieve whatever you set your mind to do. Use affirmations, action and a positive attitude. But do not forget about the other quadrants in your life. You could end up hurting yourself badly. It may be better to hit 80% of your goal and stay healthy.

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Have a Positive, Powerful, Peaceful Day!

Mind Sunday Sermon

Letting Go Now

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Letting go of grudges, negative stories, & traumatic events can be hard to do. But it is possible. This story keeps appearing to me through various YouTube Videos. It’s everywhere lately (Month of September 2021). So, I figure I’d tell it to you. It’s a nice way of seeing how easy and how hard it is to let unwanted thoughts go away.

Two Monks, one Lady, a River and the Forest

Part One:

Dressed in Orange robes, two monks set out on a long hike through the forest. The two hiked for a few miles through the dense green forest. They arrive at a bustling greenish brown river, where they encounter a beautiful woman. She says that she has been there for hours, unable to cross the rough river by herself.

Part Two:

Knowing that they are not supposed to touch a woman, the first Monk takes a look at her and crosses the river. The other, asks her name and where she’s from. She responds and asks for his help in crossing the river. With compassion and fortitude Monk number Two picks her up and carries her on his back across the raging river. He stops every 20 feet or so to rest, since it is quite a journey to cross the river with the weight of the woman on his back. He eventually makes it to the other side where he lets the woman down. He says Goodbye and she gives him a very gracious Thank You. He then catches up with Monk One and they continue their hike through the vast forest.

Part Three:

They walk through shrubs, bushes and prickly twigs. One Mile, two miles, three miles. Not talking much, just enjoying nature, listening to the birds and continuing on their journey for the day. Monk Two all the while a bit more happier than Monk One. Monk Two even whistles a sweet little tune here and there as they tread across the the uneven terrain. Somewhere around Mile six, Monk One stops and tells Monk Two to also stop. He looks at him and exclaims: What’s going on here? You know we can’t touch women. And you, You carried that lady all the way across the river. What’s your Problem? Monk Two replies. I haven’t a problem, I was just being nice and helped a lady in distress. It is you who may have a bit of a problem. I dropped the lady off 6 miles ago and you are still carrying her!

The Teaching:

It can be very easy to let things go or as Monk One shows us, quite hard to do this. But as you can see by the story, letting go is the way to go. Let go of old fears, let go of disliking others, let go of negative thoughts, let go of everything that does not serve your higher & highest Good. You’ll feel much happier, freer and sublime. Let Go and Let God take care of Everything for you Now.

Story as told by Huna Das from hearing it on 5 different platforms in the Month of September 2021. Took what I heard and added in a bit of flavor so that your mind could picture the story in your imagination. I do hope it helps you and encourages you to Let Go of any and all unwanted thoughts.

“Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions. Watch your actions, they become habits. Watch your habits, they become your character. Watch your character, it becomes your Destiny.”

– Lao Tzu –

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Have a Positive, Pleasant, Peaceful Day!

Huna Das Happiness Spirit

Morning Story

I walk with Poise, Protection and Peace

Towards a new Minute, a New Hour, a New Day

Enlightened in God thoughts

Powered by Good actions

Illuminated with a Bright Golden Light, Vibrating in and through me

Beaming out into Spaces and Places, bringing Peace and prosperity to all sentient beings

Wherever I go, God is and All is Well

Original Affirmation/Morning Story by Huna Das 9/21/21. Based on Unity Principles

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Have a Positive, Pleasant, Peaceful Day!

Huna Das Happiness

Everyday is a Go(o)d Day

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I Dance in the Riches of all my Wishes

No Fear here, only Faith, Love and Good Cheer

Sweet Nectar of Joy fills my Soul, sour smell of stress does not exist

I’m on the right track, as I step forward Abundantly. Seeing no lack

I Declare Dominion and Authority upon my thoughts and feelings. Keeping the Kingdom wealthy with powerful words of Peace, Love and Happiness

Intention goes, where Energy flows. I send Praise and Good Will to all my Friends and Foes

As the day winds down, I count my blessings, I am Grateful for so many things, my list as vast as the Ocean

Sleeping Calmly to awaken Tomorrow with a Great Big Smile you can see for almost a Mile

Thank You Go(o)d

A Poem by Huna Das 9/12/21

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Have a Positive, Pleasant, Peaceful Day!

Body Mind Spirit Sunday Sermon

Shi Heng Yi

The 5 Hindrances to self-mastery. Shi Heng Yi…A Ted Talk

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I’ve been without a remote for a few days. Thus, I’ve been watching a lot of YouTube. Mainly talks and exercises by Shi Heng Yi. The videos just keep playing one after another, after.. It’s a new path for me. But like all spiritual paths, it can and will help you if you apply it. As I’ve said before, All spiritual efforts lead to one place-GOD. I believe, take the tools that resonate best with you and mix and match them for your own spiritual success or as they say in 2021-Your own Self Mastery. Everyone is different. Take what works for you and Use it. The main thing to do is to do whatever it is. Don’t just read about it.

Much of the info I wrote out is from Shi Heng Yi and some is the authors own thoughts. Just want to let you know that ahead of time. Because Yi does mention, he isn’t going to show you the way, just give suggestions. Thus I added on some decent definition to help you out. If you want just Yi’s information the video is down below

When you see more clear. Human interactions become easier. Goals and Inspirations become easier to attain

Find a Way to get to do the things you like to do

Clarity: You see more clear, You feel more clear, you can decide for yourself what to do to reach your goals and aspirations

There are two mistakes along the way to Self-Mastery: Not starting it and not going all the way

The Shaolin Temple Europe labels 5 states of mind that you don’t want to be in, which are the 5 hindrances. Being in any of these 5 states makes it difficult to find your way

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The 5 Hindrances

  1. SENSUAL DESIRE: A Positive emotion that can appear through the 5 senses. Seeing, Hearing, Smelling, Tasting, & Feeling. These can be good for a while. But once you follow the temptation too many times and want to stay too long in this area, it becomes an Obsession, which is bad. It’s hard to find clarity by staying to0 long in Sensual Desire. Stay for a bit then get out. Like 2 drinks in a night might be ok, but becoming a hardcore alcoholic is not what you want to do
  2. ILL WILL: State of the mind that provides negative emotions. A dislike about an object, a situation or a person. If you dislike something, You must learn to let go of Ill Will. One of the reasons I’ve watched this video 5x today, is during my day today, I got stuck getting irritated with a situation at work. I did the Shaolin Qi Gong for an hour. Meditated 3 times and took a walk. These all aided me to get rid of my ILL Will. But after writing this I will do one more thing, Yoga Nidra. Some days, it’s just harder to get peaceful. Today was one of those days for me. But I took action and am almost at peace. I know I should just say, Peace is within me now and be done with it. That’s supposed to work from all that I teach and think. Just sometimes, you or I need to do more to chase the Ill Will away
  3. DULLNESS/HEAVINESS: Sleepiness, lack of energy, non motivation, can manifest into depression. You feel imprisoned. And it it hard to make a mental or physical decision. You need to Find a way to get out of this state of mind
  4. RESTLESSNESS: An unsettled mind that worries about the future or travels to the past. This is the monkey mind. Jumping around from past to future without staying long enough in the present moment. Try not to judge things and get out of this state of mind
  5. SKEPTICAL DOUBT: Indecisiveness. Lost in thoughts. Can I do this? What will people think? Is this the right path? You may have many doubts and get stuck instead of moving on. Too much doubt will get you stuck. Get Out and feel decisive, positive and free

What to do about the 5 Hindrances. Prevent them from arising. Use techniques to rid yourself of them. In other videos Shi Heng Yi teaches various movements of the body while breathing. Meditation is also good, so is doing a hobby like sewing, painting and sports. These keep your mind calm and in the present moment. One does not need to do real mediation (but it does help). You can do your hobby and it will work very well also. Or of course you can mix the 2 options. I personally do the Calm app SOS, Yoga Nidra, Kirtan, write, read, walk, play basketball and sometimes paint and surf.

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4 Things to do about the 5 Hindrances

  1. Recognize: What state of mind you are in
  2. Accept: Learn to accept how a situation is, why people are like this. Allow things to be how they are, let people be as they are. You can not change them. but you can change how you perceive them. Stay calm when faced with verbal bullying. Learn martial arts for physical attacks.
  3. Investigate: Your emotional and mental state and question it. Ask questions? Why? What will be the consequence when I stay like this
  4. Non Identify: It is the practice. I am not the Body, I am not the Mind, I am not my Emotions. I can see these 3 aspects about me, but they are not me. I am a spiritual being living in a human body

Be Unique. Try not to copy others. Bring meaning to your life. Learn and master yourself and don’t let the hindrances stop you. Learn to live a healthy life. Healthy Body and Healthy Mind

Three Main Things to Do:

  1. Physical Movement Qi Gong, Kung Fu, Martial Arts
  2. Intention of the Mind/Mind action/control
  3. Learn How to use your Breathe

I know it’s a lot of words today, take what works for you and leave the rest on the page. Or watch the video and formulate your own plan. Today, I needed to do what I like to do to get our of a hindrance. And that is to write and to hopefully help someone else on their journey.

For more on Shi Heng Li, check out his website here

Here is the Mind, Body and Soul exercise session that I did today to help me get out of Ill Will. It helped but did upset my back a bit, so be careful when doing any of the various trainings. Glad I didn’t try the Kung Fu today.

Have a Positive, Pleasant, Peaceful Day!

Body Mind Sunday Sermon Tool Kit

You Always Have a Choice

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As of today (Friday 6/4/21) I can claim that I have the worst backache in my entire life. But that won’t do be any good in healing it. I need to think thoughts of healing and health. Not only do I need to think these thoughts, but I need to say them out loud. The quickest affirmation I use personally is “I am 100% Healthy Right Now”. I said this many times daily during the pandemic and even simple as it is, it works. I say it even more times today as I heal my body into complete health and wellness

I also take action to improve my health to optimal performance. I apply ice to my back for 20 minutes, then I heat it for 20 minutes all day everyday. I take the healing efforts as close the NBA level as I can. I take turmeric, eat fruits + vegetables + anti-inflammatory foods, drink lots of water and take a bit of medicine. But mainly I think my way to perfect health. I have a choice to dwell on the pain or take action to improve my well being with positive, health filled thoughts


When I feel myself going the wrong way, I turn to Eric Butterworth’s You Always have a Choice video. Butterworth was a Unity Minister and new thought teacher for over 30 years. And he says the number one thing he would like to let the world know is, You Always have a Choice

Here is the video for reference. Or you can read his thoughts and mine below the video if you are in a hurry.

Eric Butterworth’s Highlights of the video above: (I’m sure I added a few things here and there, but that’s ok. Its all good, just adding to the Good Vibes attitude of Today’s healing choice filled energy)

  • One simple Idea. The most important insight is Y0u Always have a Choice. There is no such thing as a choice-less Life
  • Things may happen around you or to you. But you Always have a choice to how you react to your surroundings. Choose to be Positive, Happy and Calm
  • You can’t regulate the weather, but you have a choice on how your react to it. If it rains, bless the plants, think of the drinking water the rain provides. You don’t have to complain about the rain.
  • If someone gets under your skin. You let them do it to you. You can Always choose not to let them inside your thoughts. You can hate or you can Love, you can choose which to do.
  • The incident is external, but the reaction is internal. And it is for you to choose. Reminder: It is Always your choice to choose your own thoughts.
  • He made me mad! No he did not! You Chose to be Mad. Don’t let others decide that you are mad! Stay calm, think peaceful loving thoughts.
  • Life without emotion has no zest. But watch your emotions and change them to good thoughts. We can correct the situation. You are not your emotions. You control your emotions. Don’t let them get out of control. You Always have a choice
  • No matter how bad things may seem. You can Always turn on the LIGHT. Choose to turn the Light on now
  • Age-Education-The Economy-Disease: Whatever is is that you are thinking, you can Always change your thoughts. Change a minus into a positive. Color your thinking with the Colors that you choose
  • Don’t react with hostility. It just brings more negatives. Choose to stay calm. You Always have a Choice!
  • Smile, be happy, enthused and Loving
  • Do you worry about money? Like you don’t have a choice? You do have a choice. Don’t worry, Bless what you do have. Be in the flow of substance. Like the vast ocean, there is a limitless abundance of wealth to be found by you, if not today, tomorrow. You can choose abundance over lack
  • All things work together for the Good. Remember Good is God and God is Always Good
  • Consciousness can Always be changed. Choose your attitude. Choose your mood. Rise above. Sit on Top of the World. No matter what happens in and around you, all that matters is what you think within your own mind. You Always have a Choice. Good, bad, Happy, sad. Choose wisely. Choose Good over evil. Faith over fear, Love over hate. You do have options. Live in the flow of God and the Good. Remember you ALWAYS have a choice and the choice is yours and only yours to make, and As Wham would say: Choose Life
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A Couple of final thoughts, just in case you may need them today



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Have a Positive, Pleasant, Peaceful Day!


Info and Expertise

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The Huna Das website and blog posts are designed to help you and me navigate the New World we are living in now and will live in the future.

It contains tools and tips to create abundance in your life. Along with keys to calming your mind. Actions to take to reduce anxiety, stress and pain.

It’s based upon 27 years of classes at Unity Church and CUT. Chanting with Krishna Das & Karen and Mike. Yin Yoga+ Yoga Nidra. YouTube Videos by Wayne Dyer, Alan Watts, Teal Swan, Anthony DeMello, Sky St. John, Richard Levy. Reverend Jackie, McDowell, Wells, and Justin Epstein.

Along with many, many books I’ve read, listened to or studied over the years.

On this site, you will find written stories and learning, relaxing pictures, delightful quotes and recommended videos to help better your daily life experience.

The goal is to give you a go to place to find solutions to every day unease you may feel. And down the line, we will be adding some pretty cool Up beat, Kirtans mixed with Ultra Banging beats with DJ Huna Das.

Stop by and say hello anytime you feel bad or glad. Hopefully this blog will help you as we journey through 2021 and beyond.

20+ Unity Classes. 5+ CUT Classes.

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Have a Positive, Pleasant, Peaceful Day!