Huna Das Happiness Mind Tool Kit

God First, Good comes Next

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During my latest class at CUT with Reverend Dr. Jacqueline Triche Atkins, I learned an immense amount of knowledge. It was like taking a graduate class on Spirituality and brain growth. We studied Living an Inspired Life by Wayne Dyer. There was a lot of great information in this book and most of us read the book 2-3x. There was So much good in this book.

The Biggest takeaway I took from the class and the book is Seek first the Kingdom of God and your life will work so much better. Here is the quote from the Bible and my metaphysical interpretation is below this:


Ok, to start, this may be a bit different than some writings on other spiritual websites. This is totally my interpretation on what this all means without notes, without looking on the internet, it’s all from my brain, my spiritual education and my experience. It may sound different than some, but it is worth reading. And could be helpful for your day/week.

I will relate this to my day job: I work in media sales and there are days that include many rejections and other days with big wins. Just the other day I pitched 22 XYZ packages and didn’t sell any. To say the least my mind could have gone the wrong way from right.

If I took the 22 rejections and continued my day or even my week being bummed, stressed and generally in a sad mood. That would not have worked in my favor for good health or to sell other custom deals and meet new people/prospects. This is when I really needed to dig deep and remember my spiritual teachings. This is where seeking God first is the way to go.

Here’s the juicy main point of today’s teaching: When one seeks God first they will see the Good, because God is Good, When? All the time! This will help you realize that “It’s all Good, there is only God, and wherever you are God is and all is Good” Things may seem sad, but look for the Good and ye shall find it, I promise, it is there!

Seeking God first can also mean to take a step back from what you may feel the real world is putting upon you and taking a moment to meditate, chant, go on a walk around the block or in nature or read some positive information like a Wayne Dyer book, the Bible, or the Bhagavad-gita. You could also turn on YouTube and watch a Sister Shivani video. She teaches some great information about Not letting people, places or things around you affect your Good mood. Only you control your inner Peace. You can not control others, but you can control your own thoughts anytime even when you don’t sell enough packages to make quota.

Here is a real life reason and the way I am able to relate to seeking God first. If you have something you think goes wrong today, someone calls you ugly or a loved one gets hurt. Seek God first and do some of things listed above or change your mood to Happy and not Sad. You and I can both do it. Yes, it is hard especially in the moment of sadness/rejection/fear, but it is possible.

When something in the outside world affects your inner peace, remember to seek God first. God thoughts, Good thoughts, Find the positive in the situation and get out of your sad mood and change it to happy. I realized this after I didn’t sell any of my 22 packages. For about 10 minutes, I felt bad, bummed out, sad, and had a sour face on. But, what good would that do when I call another customer or even request a cafe order? It will do no Good. There’s a much better chance I can sell the 23rd package or order a coffee easily in a Good/God mood instead of a bummed out sad face/vibe.

And do you know how hard it is to order a Starbucks coffee on a good day, try doing it when you are not seeking God first and are attempting to get coffee mad, sad or depressed. It will most likely taste funny or you will get a confused look from the barista. I know from the times I forget to put God first and act as I think I feel sad and bad and not Good.

Seek God first when things feel bad. It won’t always come naturally or be easy to do, but once you are able to do it, you will enjoy your life much better, I guarantee it.

Instead of Ah em… ah ..can I have a, have a… uhm, medium, one of those…uhm, coffees without too much caffeine, with ice that has some of that fake milk, I think it’s…uhm. aah…almond milk. You will request your coffee like this: I’ll have an Iced Venti Half Caff Almond Latte Please. You will get the correct coffee easily and at the same time, you will make the barista happy for asking for it the best way..or let’s even say … The Kingdom of God Way!

Best wishes to you this month, whichever month you read this. Make it the best month of the year for you and all of those around you.

Have a Positive, Pleasant, Peaceful Day!

Mind Tool Kit

Quick & Easy Vibratory Increase

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Praise your way to a higher Frequency

Some days you may be in a bigger hurry than others, you may forget to pray or meditate. If you need an quick and easy fix, just read Philippians 4:8. Read it 5 times and immediately change your state of being.

feel old, if you think and say great thoughts, you will have an awesome day. Today, I had a stomach ache, so I concentrated very hard on Healthy, healing, uplifting thoughts and in doing so, I ran into Philippians 4:8 three times. First: I read it on my fridge door Second: I heard it in my spiritual class Third: It showed up on my bedtime YouTube Video. Seeing it so many times today, I decided to share it with you. Hope it helps with your situation. It’s a classic, yet still quick and effective way to praise your way to the top of the mountain

The following is Philippians Chapter 4 Verse 8 (4:8) AKA The Main Letter from the Apostle Paul


Read this daily or when you are in a crunch. Keep it on your wall, in your phone, near your car’s steering wheel. Use it, review it, and praise your way to a higher frequency

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Have a Positive, Powerful, Peaceful Day!


God is Good + You are Good

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I am Happy, I am Healthy, I am Powerful, I am Abundant Right Now

You are the Thinker that Thinks the Thought that Thinks the Thing-Jonny Coleman Christ Universal Temple

Nothing or No one can affect my Good Mood. I am always having the experience of my oneness with God. God is Good all the Time. Thus, I am Good always everyday.

I am Happy, Healthy, Powerful, and Abundant Right Now. Nothing will interfere with this. I always have a choice and I choose God.

I give Love, I receive Love

I give Prosperity, I get prosperous

I Praise others, I am praised

Whatever I give to the Universe I receive it back to me multiplied by Seven. I do not give only to receive. I give so that others will see their own Light, Be happy and let them know God is always within them. And all things are working for their Good. God is Good all the Time.

I do not let lack or despair creep into me. I put myself into the Vortex of Good.

Lesson to get out of Lack. You’ll want to be creative with a steady stream of ideas and free flow of divine ideas. If you feel you are unwell in Mind Body or Spirit. Do something about it now! Some thoughts on what you can do now are:

Meditate, Pray, Exercise, Read affirmations, Chant. Give clothes, shoes or food to others. Do something now to feel better. Feeling best is good, but feeling better is where you want to be.

I am Happy, I am Healthy, I am Powerful and I am Abundant Right Now.

No one or nothing can change my grateful attitude. At times you may think others are upsetting you. But it is YOU who determine how you feel. You can not control others, You can not control what people say to you, You CAN decide how to receive and react to the world. Today, tomorrow and always. You have a choice. Decide right now to choose Good, Positive thoughts, feelings and Actions.

I gotta say it one more time. No One or nothing can affect your mood. Only YOU can affect your own mood. If someone berates you. Stay above it and don’t let it affect you. And don’t react either. Maybe take a deep breath or repeat an affirmation. I know it is hard to do, but it is possible, just takes some practice.

Stay strong and be all the Great you are meant to be. Step forward in your Power and Glory of your God/Christ Mind. Remember God is always Good, thus you are always Good.

It only takes one idea to change your life. Take time to think abundant ideas to help others and to help yourself. Think God thoughts. Think Good thoughts. No pity parties allowed.

Have a Great and Wonderful Day!

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The above was written after week 6 of 12 in my class entitled Fear Not taught by Reverend Valerie McGee. I just stayed in the mood from the class and let my mind flow to produce the words on the paper. Thank You to Reverend Val and the Book Fear Not by Martha Smock.

Have a Positive, Powerful, Peaceful Day!

Body Mind Spirit Sunday Sermon

Shi Heng Yi

The 5 Hindrances to self-mastery. Shi Heng Yi…A Ted Talk

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I’ve been without a remote for a few days. Thus, I’ve been watching a lot of YouTube. Mainly talks and exercises by Shi Heng Yi. The videos just keep playing one after another, after.. It’s a new path for me. But like all spiritual paths, it can and will help you if you apply it. As I’ve said before, All spiritual efforts lead to one place-GOD. I believe, take the tools that resonate best with you and mix and match them for your own spiritual success or as they say in 2021-Your own Self Mastery. Everyone is different. Take what works for you and Use it. The main thing to do is to do whatever it is. Don’t just read about it.

Much of the info I wrote out is from Shi Heng Yi and some is the authors own thoughts. Just want to let you know that ahead of time. Because Yi does mention, he isn’t going to show you the way, just give suggestions. Thus I added on some decent definition to help you out. If you want just Yi’s information the video is down below

When you see more clear. Human interactions become easier. Goals and Inspirations become easier to attain

Find a Way to get to do the things you like to do

Clarity: You see more clear, You feel more clear, you can decide for yourself what to do to reach your goals and aspirations

There are two mistakes along the way to Self-Mastery: Not starting it and not going all the way

The Shaolin Temple Europe labels 5 states of mind that you don’t want to be in, which are the 5 hindrances. Being in any of these 5 states makes it difficult to find your way

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The 5 Hindrances

  1. SENSUAL DESIRE: A Positive emotion that can appear through the 5 senses. Seeing, Hearing, Smelling, Tasting, & Feeling. These can be good for a while. But once you follow the temptation too many times and want to stay too long in this area, it becomes an Obsession, which is bad. It’s hard to find clarity by staying to0 long in Sensual Desire. Stay for a bit then get out. Like 2 drinks in a night might be ok, but becoming a hardcore alcoholic is not what you want to do
  2. ILL WILL: State of the mind that provides negative emotions. A dislike about an object, a situation or a person. If you dislike something, You must learn to let go of Ill Will. One of the reasons I’ve watched this video 5x today, is during my day today, I got stuck getting irritated with a situation at work. I did the Shaolin Qi Gong for an hour. Meditated 3 times and took a walk. These all aided me to get rid of my ILL Will. But after writing this I will do one more thing, Yoga Nidra. Some days, it’s just harder to get peaceful. Today was one of those days for me. But I took action and am almost at peace. I know I should just say, Peace is within me now and be done with it. That’s supposed to work from all that I teach and think. Just sometimes, you or I need to do more to chase the Ill Will away
  3. DULLNESS/HEAVINESS: Sleepiness, lack of energy, non motivation, can manifest into depression. You feel imprisoned. And it it hard to make a mental or physical decision. You need to Find a way to get out of this state of mind
  4. RESTLESSNESS: An unsettled mind that worries about the future or travels to the past. This is the monkey mind. Jumping around from past to future without staying long enough in the present moment. Try not to judge things and get out of this state of mind
  5. SKEPTICAL DOUBT: Indecisiveness. Lost in thoughts. Can I do this? What will people think? Is this the right path? You may have many doubts and get stuck instead of moving on. Too much doubt will get you stuck. Get Out and feel decisive, positive and free

What to do about the 5 Hindrances. Prevent them from arising. Use techniques to rid yourself of them. In other videos Shi Heng Yi teaches various movements of the body while breathing. Meditation is also good, so is doing a hobby like sewing, painting and sports. These keep your mind calm and in the present moment. One does not need to do real mediation (but it does help). You can do your hobby and it will work very well also. Or of course you can mix the 2 options. I personally do the Calm app SOS, Yoga Nidra, Kirtan, write, read, walk, play basketball and sometimes paint and surf.

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4 Things to do about the 5 Hindrances

  1. Recognize: What state of mind you are in
  2. Accept: Learn to accept how a situation is, why people are like this. Allow things to be how they are, let people be as they are. You can not change them. but you can change how you perceive them. Stay calm when faced with verbal bullying. Learn martial arts for physical attacks.
  3. Investigate: Your emotional and mental state and question it. Ask questions? Why? What will be the consequence when I stay like this
  4. Non Identify: It is the practice. I am not the Body, I am not the Mind, I am not my Emotions. I can see these 3 aspects about me, but they are not me. I am a spiritual being living in a human body

Be Unique. Try not to copy others. Bring meaning to your life. Learn and master yourself and don’t let the hindrances stop you. Learn to live a healthy life. Healthy Body and Healthy Mind

Three Main Things to Do:

  1. Physical Movement Qi Gong, Kung Fu, Martial Arts
  2. Intention of the Mind/Mind action/control
  3. Learn How to use your Breathe

I know it’s a lot of words today, take what works for you and leave the rest on the page. Or watch the video and formulate your own plan. Today, I needed to do what I like to do to get our of a hindrance. And that is to write and to hopefully help someone else on their journey.

For more on Shi Heng Li, check out his website here

Here is the Mind, Body and Soul exercise session that I did today to help me get out of Ill Will. It helped but did upset my back a bit, so be careful when doing any of the various trainings. Glad I didn’t try the Kung Fu today.

Have a Positive, Pleasant, Peaceful Day!

Huna Das Happiness Mind Spirit Sunday Sermon

Secure your Mind

No One or Nothing can Make you feel Bad or Mad – Huna Das

You are in charge of your emotions at all Times. Use your Divine Mind to stay of sound mind at all Times.

If the boss reprimands you with a certain tone or your partner raises their voice towards you. Stay strong, envision a beach, a grassy hill, or fragrant flowers. Do not let the fury of anyone affect your Peace! No one or Nothing can Make you feel Bad or Mad. You control your state of Mind. Outside forces can not mess with your inside feelings without your permission.


One day my 2 friends were yelling at each other, it escalated to a bit of a tousle, then some crying, leaving one of the 2 very upset. He said that SHE gets me so angry and upset. I said to him: No one can affect your mood except yourself. He didn’t agree and said that his friend caused him to be mad and become upset. I repeated it again, No One can make you mad. Only YOU can make yourself Mad.

The Teaching:

This is one of the most trickiest spiritual themes to master in the World. It takes practice and patience. But once you get it, life can and will be more peaceful for you.

You may feel your body and brain Anger-Up when someone is yelling at you. Imagine putting an imaginary clear or colored shield up in front of you. The screams and yells, can NOT come in. Unless YOU Crack the screen. Don’t let your screen crack, crinkle or disappear. When you feel attacked verbally, Using your imagination, Keep a strong, powerful screen in front of your body. Don’t let anyone’s anger affect you. Don’t crack your screen.

No one or nothing from outside sources can make you Sad, Happy, Glad or Anxious. You control your thoughts and your thoughts create how you feel. Outside forces can not get in unless you let them. You control your reality!


While watching the exact same TV Show, A person can feel Sad just as easily as a person can feel happy. You create your inner TV screen, Think thoughts of Happiness, Joy and Peace. Or if it’s easier for you, carry around a short affirmation card in your pocket. Use your own words to create it, make it your own. Example: No One or Nothing can affect my Mood today, I control my own Mind at all times. Right now, I am Happy, I am Safe, I am Calm and I feel Great!


No one or Nothing can affect my Mood today, I control my own Mind at all Times. Right now, I am Happy, I am Safe, I am Calm and I feel Great!

-Huna Das-


The next time someone cuts you off in traffic or yells at you for “messing” up at work. Go to your happy place, put up your shield or just B-R-E-A-T-H. When I’m not around people I like to practice square box breathing. Drawing a box/rectangle in my mind using my breathe. It’s a little hard to do when people are in front of you. But you can do it, do it slowly calmly and envision the box with your imagination. Slowly inhaling through your nose 4 counts up. Hold 6 counts across. Exhale 4 more counts down and another 4 counts to the left to complete your box. Repeat. Or even easier, if you find yourself about to get upset, take a moment and slowly inhale 4 counts, hold 6 counts and exhale 8 counts. This would be the SOS method. Try either of these and see how they work. Make sure you exhale slow and long, that’s where the magic happens.

When commotion feels like its coming your way, Relax, stay peaceful , calm and Don’t react. Act with positive thoughts and use your shield. Or use your imagination and go to your favorite place..beach, park, ocean, or even a snow covered mountain. Use your affirmation card and remember to breathe calmly and slowly.

No one or nothing can make you upset except for you. You control your thoughts at all times. Not just when things are good, but when you think they are bad, they really don’t need to be. Always remember no outside force can make you mad. Be Diligent, Be Patient + Practice. It’s not always easy to feel good, calm, or peaceful, BUT it is 100% possible. Only you can make yourself GLAD!

*Yes, I am aware that I repeated myself a few times. That was purposeful. Because this is such a hard theme to believe. It may take you a day, a month or even years to learn and use this consistently. Once mastered, It will change your life.

No one or nothing can affect your mood except for you. Still not sure? Here are a couple quotes to help reinforce this blog post. You can even make an affirmation card out of them if that works for you. Please leave questions or suggestions in the comments section.

I say out to every negative thought that comes to my mind. No person, place or thing has any power over me. For I am the only thinker in my mind. I create my own reality. – Louise Hay

It isn’t the world that makes you unhappy or the way people are in the world. It’s how you process the people and events of the world. – Wayne Dyer

Have a Positive, Pleasant, Peaceful Day!