Mind Sunday Sermon

The 2 Worlds

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There are 2 worlds out there. You get to choose which world you are in at all times.

There is the world of appearance in which you may think you are being verbally attacked, you think someone has rocked your world so bad you want to fight, or simply a world where your mind believes everything you see.

Then there is the Secondary World, some call it Christ Consciousness, I just like to call it the Secondary world. In this world, there is only Peace, Love and Happiness. Nothing else exists, although you can include Joy, Wisdom, Happiness, Prosperity and Health.

To be in the Secondary world, you need to watch and train your thoughts. Remember, no one or nothing can make you feel bad. You are in control of your thoughts and emotions at all times.

You can think yourself well or you can think yourself ill

In the world we live in 2022, it can be challenging to stay in the secondary world. You may see road rage, being berated by the boss, or just feel over worked and stressed out.

Lack of sleep, lack of food and lack of spirituality in your life can easily put you in the world of appearance. By sleeping enough, eating fresh fruits, veggies and lean proteins, exercising and doing some work on yourself will put you back into the Secondary world.

I can not tell you that I live in the secondary world at all times, I slip up especially when I drink too much caffeine, watch Netflix until 3am and go to work at 9a and when I don’t do any physical exercise.

Here are some things you can do to stay in the Secondary world MORE than the world of appearance. Even 5-10% more into the Secondary world will help your life to improve for the better. Pick one or more and try them out. And always remember that No One or Nothing can make you feel bad. You are in control of how you feel at all times, even if someone dies, you can still stay in your Power. Think of all the great memories, the time you did spend with that person, all the happy moments. Be Glad not Sad. And as the song says, Don’t worry Be Happy!

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  • Take a walk: Even for 10-15 minutes. If you can, take a walk outside in nature, but a stroll back and forth in your condo/house will do the trick
  • Eat Breakfast: If you drink coffee like me. You may not be hungry. Eggs are quick and easy. Even an Apple will help. Piece of whole wheat toast is also a quick and easy option to help soak up the caffeine. My doc says to have some source of protein and a bit of carbs. In 2022 Protein seems to be very important.
  • Meditate: Take 5 minutes out of your day and just breathe. I like the square box breathing method. Close your outer eyes and Breathe in 4 seconds, hold for 6 seconds and breathe out s l o w l y for 8 seconds. It is on the out breath that your body will relax. If it’s hard to sit still all alone, try a YouTube video or use the CALM app. If I can’t get right on the square box breathing, I go straight to the Panic SOS meditation on the CALM app. Just 4 minutes does wonders for your secondary world.
  • Use Affirmations: When appearances seem to be going off the wrong road. It’s good to have some pre-made affirmations in your pocket. Pull them out and read them over and over for the next 5 minutes and throughout the day. Or you can have your favorite affirmation memorized so when the boss yells at you, just repeat in your mind, your favorite affirmation over and over as the appearance fades into the secondary world. Affirmations can also be called Affirmative Prayer. Keep your mind on the Good and the Positive. I use this memorized affirmation: I am Happy, I am 100% Healthy, I am Peaceful and Prosperous, I am in my Power.. Right Now.
  • Watch Eric Butterworth’s You Always Have a Choice on YouTube. He will remind you that no one or nothing can affect your happiness and Secondary World.
  • Hobby It: You know, it took me a long time to realize that doing a hobby can be just as good for you and affect the same chemicals in your brain as mediation does and its fun to do! I like to check out and make collages, paint, play basketball, swim, surf, write various blogs and make clothes. Getting lost in a hobby is a great way to get you into the Secondary World.
  • Shop: I may get some flack for this one. But one of my favorite ways to space out, feel calm and tune in, is to shop for clothes and shoes at real stores. My perfect day would be a nice breakfast, some cardio, then jumping in a cab and going to Soho in NYC to shop. I like to touch and feel the fabrics and take pictures of the fashions on the street. And of course buy some nice shoes, shirts or pants. Retail therapy does work. But, be careful so it doesn’t get out of hand. Pro Tip: Use Cash Only.
  • Pray: You can do morning mid day and nightly prepared prayers. Or just thinking good thoughts all day is also another way to pray. Think of all the good in the world, all day throughout your day.
  • Help others: Help out at the soup kitchen, Usher at Church, donate your time at a non-profit. I like to randomly put shoes and clothes by my local basketball court (Cartwright Park) for others to stumble upon to lighten up their day with a big smile.
  • Read: Settle in and read some good spiritual books like Fear Not, Think and Grow Rich, Discover the Power within You, the Bible, Lessons in Truth, the Power of Now, the Revealing Word, I of the Storm, the Teachings of Buddha, Psycho-cybernetics, Mind-the Master Power, and When everything changes, change everything. Just 10 minutes of enriching reading per day will change your life.
  • Practice Gratitude: Every morning when you wake up write down 10 things you are grateful for. Then before you go to bed write down another 10 things your are grateful for. Write them down, then read them out loud. It’s hard to be in the appearance world when you are grateful you will easily flow into the Secondary World…Pretty immediately.

Pick one or more thing on the list above and give it a try, I guarantee you will be more and more in the Secondary world and less in the world of appearance.

Do you believe that there are 2 or more worlds out there? What would you add to the list of things to do to access the Secondary World? Let us know in the comments section below.

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*Today’s blog post done by Scott Mackenzie without notes, videos, or internet quotes. From the always present, always available, Great World of the Secondary World.

Have a Positive, Pleasant, Peaceful Day!

By Scott Mackenzie

Blogger, Designer, Artist.Owner: You can contact me at (808) 275-1106 anytime.

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