Huna Das Happiness Mind Tool Kit

God First, Good comes Next

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During my latest class at CUT with Reverend Dr. Jacqueline Triche Atkins, I learned an immense amount of knowledge. It was like taking a graduate class on Spirituality and brain growth. We studied Living an Inspired Life by Wayne Dyer. There was a lot of great information in this book and most of us read the book 2-3x. There was So much good in this book.

The Biggest takeaway I took from the class and the book is Seek first the Kingdom of God and your life will work so much better. Here is the quote from the Bible and my metaphysical interpretation is below this:


Ok, to start, this may be a bit different than some writings on other spiritual websites. This is totally my interpretation on what this all means without notes, without looking on the internet, it’s all from my brain, my spiritual education and my experience. It may sound different than some, but it is worth reading. And could be helpful for your day/week.

I will relate this to my day job: I work in media sales and there are days that include many rejections and other days with big wins. Just the other day I pitched 22 XYZ packages and didn’t sell any. To say the least my mind could have gone the wrong way from right.

If I took the 22 rejections and continued my day or even my week being bummed, stressed and generally in a sad mood. That would not have worked in my favor for good health or to sell other custom deals and meet new people/prospects. This is when I really needed to dig deep and remember my spiritual teachings. This is where seeking God first is the way to go.

Here’s the juicy main point of today’s teaching: When one seeks God first they will see the Good, because God is Good, When? All the time! This will help you realize that “It’s all Good, there is only God, and wherever you are God is and all is Good” Things may seem sad, but look for the Good and ye shall find it, I promise, it is there!

Seeking God first can also mean to take a step back from what you may feel the real world is putting upon you and taking a moment to meditate, chant, go on a walk around the block or in nature or read some positive information like a Wayne Dyer book, the Bible, or the Bhagavad-gita. You could also turn on YouTube and watch a Sister Shivani video. She teaches some great information about Not letting people, places or things around you affect your Good mood. Only you control your inner Peace. You can not control others, but you can control your own thoughts anytime even when you don’t sell enough packages to make quota.

Here is a real life reason and the way I am able to relate to seeking God first. If you have something you think goes wrong today, someone calls you ugly or a loved one gets hurt. Seek God first and do some of things listed above or change your mood to Happy and not Sad. You and I can both do it. Yes, it is hard especially in the moment of sadness/rejection/fear, but it is possible.

When something in the outside world affects your inner peace, remember to seek God first. God thoughts, Good thoughts, Find the positive in the situation and get out of your sad mood and change it to happy. I realized this after I didn’t sell any of my 22 packages. For about 10 minutes, I felt bad, bummed out, sad, and had a sour face on. But, what good would that do when I call another customer or even request a cafe order? It will do no Good. There’s a much better chance I can sell the 23rd package or order a coffee easily in a Good/God mood instead of a bummed out sad face/vibe.

And do you know how hard it is to order a Starbucks coffee on a good day, try doing it when you are not seeking God first and are attempting to get coffee mad, sad or depressed. It will most likely taste funny or you will get a confused look from the barista. I know from the times I forget to put God first and act as I think I feel sad and bad and not Good.

Seek God first when things feel bad. It won’t always come naturally or be easy to do, but once you are able to do it, you will enjoy your life much better, I guarantee it.

Instead of Ah em… ah ..can I have a, have a… uhm, medium, one of those…uhm, coffees without too much caffeine, with ice that has some of that fake milk, I think it’s…uhm. aah…almond milk. You will request your coffee like this: I’ll have an Iced Venti Half Caff Almond Latte Please. You will get the correct coffee easily and at the same time, you will make the barista happy for asking for it the best way..or let’s even say … The Kingdom of God Way!

Best wishes to you this month, whichever month you read this. Make it the best month of the year for you and all of those around you.

Have a Positive, Pleasant, Peaceful Day!


By Scott Mackenzie

Blogger, Designer, Artist.Owner: You can contact me at (808) 275-1106 anytime.

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