Huna Das Happiness

Peace Always

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When I feel out of my own peaceful mind, I figure out what incident is causing this. Then I realize it is such a small portion of my life, it will not enter my home inside my brain. And I keep my inner home filled with Peace, Love and Happiness.

And remind myself that: People, Places and Things can not enter my own mind unless I allow them to do so. I keep my thoughts Peaceful, Calm, Serene, Happy, and Positive.

If this doesn’t work, I can easily:

  • Eat food (Many times it’s because I didn’t eat all day)
  • Exercise
  • Meditate
  • Count from 100 by Sevens to Ground myself
  • Walk in nature/Get outside
  • Watch a Spiritual video on YouTube
  • Read a Spiritual Book

It may seem challenging to keep things out of your brain, which it is and no human being is perfect. You may have thought that others affect your mood for many, many years. Thus, it will take some work. But remember that you are the only person who can let things into your own brain. You control your inner home, If there is something there you don’t like, kick it out or Don’t let it in at all.

And what is the conflict/resentment/situation/person you are worried about. Call it out and cut it out like scissors thru paper. Try not to keep bad thoughts in your brain…the cause was just a tiny blip of time and you do not need to let bad things into your inner home.

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Huna Das Happiness Spiritual Story

Let Go and Let’s Change

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Back in the day, a hunter named Pete traveled into the depths of the jungle in search of food. During the last week of his trip, Pete would search for a special creature and take it home alive to keep as a new pet

During one of his trips, he found an exquisite green, blue & yellow parrot. He took his new found pet home and taught her to talk

The pristine parrot was enjoying her life, learning English, French and Hindi. But she did miss being free to enjoy the freedom & outdoor splendor of the jungle

After a couple years, when Pete was ready to return to the jungle, the parrot asked him if he could let the other birds in the forest know that he was doing well and eating some interesting yet tasty food

Pete gathered his gear and set off on his yearly expedition into the jungle to get some food for the winter and hopefully find another new pet for his menagerie

While there, he told the birds that the parrot was doing quite well, a black bird heard this and fell from a low branch and landed with a thud, Pete thought figured the bird was dead, he then moved on to find the jungle animals.. He found a small tiger and took him home for his newest pet

Pete used his machete to get out of the jungle with his new pet and a load of food including new found game meat, fruits, nuts and vegetables

When he got home, he put the tiger in a cage, the meat in the freezer and the fruits and veggies in the fridge and along the window areas of his home. Pete had a delicious supper, then went and let the parrot know that he told the birds she was ok and then a black bird dropped dead directly in front of him. The beautiful parrot immediately collapsed dead inside of its locked cage

The yearly hunter broke down and cried and took his pet parrot out of its cage. Upon being released the parrot sprang back up and flew away back to the jungle. Come to find out the black bird had played a trick on Pete by faking his death. The Parrot being as smart as he was figured this out and faked her own death to escape the confines of the locked cage.

  • If your intuition sees, feels or hears something important yet challenging, consider listening to the sign and doing what it tells you to do. The bird felt that the black bird sent her a sign, she did not dwell on the idea, she just did it and it worked for her. Even if it doesn’t work perfectly, you can always look for another sign and try that. The main thing is to do the action, don’t just think about doing it
  • You may need to kill the life you live now to live a better life tomorrow
  • Search for clues that can improve your day no matter where they may be
  • People and animals are not born to be locked up in a cage. A real cage or a mental cage, it doesn’t matter, you have free will. Use it and move on to a better life. Yes, there is better out there. You just need to take action to find it.
  • If you are in a bad job, relationship or addiction to drugs, alcohol or food that no longer serves you or gives you joy. You may want to quit/move on/get some help to get yourself out of the cage you are locked in.
  • Figure out a way to get out of your cage and live a more Wonderful life. Take charge, do the action steps, challenge yourself, have fun and if you see the sign more than 3x, you know you need to do it, it’s telling you something and that is for sure!
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Huna Das Happiness Spiritual Story

Attitude of Karmatude

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Story: The Boy and the Monk

Goal: Good Karma

There was a very wise Monk who lived in a secluded monastery in a large cave along Mount Kailash near Tibet. He was very smart and had been meditating daily, teaching and doing good works since he was a young boy. He became so powerful that he was able to take a look at someone and see their future in less than 2-3 minutes.

This Monk had a young disciple aged 8. He was a great person, doing everything that was expected of him during his studies at the Monastery. One day when the boy came to see the Master Monk, the monk saw his future instantly and it was not good. He saw him dying in 6 months. So, the Monk, thinking it best that the boy die surrounded by family, said to the young boy: Go home tomorrow and visit your family, this is what you must do.

The boy needed to travel quite a long way to get home, and home he went. With a slight detour…

One day when the master Monk was sweeping the front entrance to the famed monastery, his eyes widened and who did he see? It was the boy returning to the Monastery just after 5 months had gone by.

The Monk was astonished to see him, the boys eyes glistening with Joy, Love, Peace and most importantly LIFE! The monk read him right away and saw that he would live to be 101 years old. Wow! thought the Master Monk, what has occurred here?

So he asked the young boy: So tell me what have you been doing the last 5 months? The Boy replied that on the way home to visit his family a monstrous storm occurred and brought much water to the land. The boy found himself standing along the shore, looking out on to a small island that had formed around the staggering waves from the storm.

The boy noticed a large colony of ants, stranded on this island in the middle of the raging waters. The boy told the Master Monk that he grabbed a vast amount of twigs and twisted them together to form a bridge between the land and the island with the immense amount of ants on it.

The boy stayed in the pouring rain until every single ant was guided to safety with his make-shift bridge. To say the least, it was quite a large quantity of ants and took days to get them all to safety. The boy then continued his travels to his family. Stayed 140 days, then returned to the Monastery. The Karma from saving the ants gave the boy over 100 more years to live his life in peace, love, and happiness. All from doing good for other sentient beings, producing an overflowing amount of Great Karma for the boy.

The Master Monk and the boy continued their lives at the monastery accomplishing many good deeds including taking care of ailing neighbors bringing them good health with their secret medicinal herbs and dynamic healing thoughts. The Monastery never went hungry and is still thriving in 2023.

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Celebrate an Attitude of Gratitude and Karmatude Today and Everyday.

Have a Positive, Pleasant, Peaceful Day!

Huna Das Happiness Mind Tool Kit

God First, Good comes Next

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During my latest class at CUT with Reverend Dr. Jacqueline Triche Atkins, I learned an immense amount of knowledge. It was like taking a graduate class on Spirituality and brain growth. We studied Living an Inspired Life by Wayne Dyer. There was a lot of great information in this book and most of us read the book 2-3x. There was So much good in this book.

The Biggest takeaway I took from the class and the book is Seek first the Kingdom of God and your life will work so much better. Here is the quote from the Bible and my metaphysical interpretation is below this:


Ok, to start, this may be a bit different than some writings on other spiritual websites. This is totally my interpretation on what this all means without notes, without looking on the internet, it’s all from my brain, my spiritual education and my experience. It may sound different than some, but it is worth reading. And could be helpful for your day/week.

I will relate this to my day job: I work in media sales and there are days that include many rejections and other days with big wins. Just the other day I pitched 22 XYZ packages and didn’t sell any. To say the least my mind could have gone the wrong way from right.

If I took the 22 rejections and continued my day or even my week being bummed, stressed and generally in a sad mood. That would not have worked in my favor for good health or to sell other custom deals and meet new people/prospects. This is when I really needed to dig deep and remember my spiritual teachings. This is where seeking God first is the way to go.

Here’s the juicy main point of today’s teaching: When one seeks God first they will see the Good, because God is Good, When? All the time! This will help you realize that “It’s all Good, there is only God, and wherever you are God is and all is Good” Things may seem sad, but look for the Good and ye shall find it, I promise, it is there!

Seeking God first can also mean to take a step back from what you may feel the real world is putting upon you and taking a moment to meditate, chant, go on a walk around the block or in nature or read some positive information like a Wayne Dyer book, the Bible, or the Bhagavad-gita. You could also turn on YouTube and watch a Sister Shivani video. She teaches some great information about Not letting people, places or things around you affect your Good mood. Only you control your inner Peace. You can not control others, but you can control your own thoughts anytime even when you don’t sell enough packages to make quota.

Here is a real life reason and the way I am able to relate to seeking God first. If you have something you think goes wrong today, someone calls you ugly or a loved one gets hurt. Seek God first and do some of things listed above or change your mood to Happy and not Sad. You and I can both do it. Yes, it is hard especially in the moment of sadness/rejection/fear, but it is possible.

When something in the outside world affects your inner peace, remember to seek God first. God thoughts, Good thoughts, Find the positive in the situation and get out of your sad mood and change it to happy. I realized this after I didn’t sell any of my 22 packages. For about 10 minutes, I felt bad, bummed out, sad, and had a sour face on. But, what good would that do when I call another customer or even request a cafe order? It will do no Good. There’s a much better chance I can sell the 23rd package or order a coffee easily in a Good/God mood instead of a bummed out sad face/vibe.

And do you know how hard it is to order a Starbucks coffee on a good day, try doing it when you are not seeking God first and are attempting to get coffee mad, sad or depressed. It will most likely taste funny or you will get a confused look from the barista. I know from the times I forget to put God first and act as I think I feel sad and bad and not Good.

Seek God first when things feel bad. It won’t always come naturally or be easy to do, but once you are able to do it, you will enjoy your life much better, I guarantee it.

Instead of Ah em… ah ..can I have a, have a… uhm, medium, one of those…uhm, coffees without too much caffeine, with ice that has some of that fake milk, I think it’s…uhm. aah…almond milk. You will request your coffee like this: I’ll have an Iced Venti Half Caff Almond Latte Please. You will get the correct coffee easily and at the same time, you will make the barista happy for asking for it the best way..or let’s even say … The Kingdom of God Way!

Best wishes to you this month, whichever month you read this. Make it the best month of the year for you and all of those around you.

Have a Positive, Pleasant, Peaceful Day!

Mind Sunday Sermon

The 2 Worlds

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There are 2 worlds out there. You get to choose which world you are in at all times.

There is the world of appearance in which you may think you are being verbally attacked, you think someone has rocked your world so bad you want to fight, or simply a world where your mind believes everything you see.

Then there is the Secondary World, some call it Christ Consciousness, I just like to call it the Secondary world. In this world, there is only Peace, Love and Happiness. Nothing else exists, although you can include Joy, Wisdom, Happiness, Prosperity and Health.

To be in the Secondary world, you need to watch and train your thoughts. Remember, no one or nothing can make you feel bad. You are in control of your thoughts and emotions at all times.

You can think yourself well or you can think yourself ill

In the world we live in 2022, it can be challenging to stay in the secondary world. You may see road rage, being berated by the boss, or just feel over worked and stressed out.

Lack of sleep, lack of food and lack of spirituality in your life can easily put you in the world of appearance. By sleeping enough, eating fresh fruits, veggies and lean proteins, exercising and doing some work on yourself will put you back into the Secondary world.

I can not tell you that I live in the secondary world at all times, I slip up especially when I drink too much caffeine, watch Netflix until 3am and go to work at 9a and when I don’t do any physical exercise.

Here are some things you can do to stay in the Secondary world MORE than the world of appearance. Even 5-10% more into the Secondary world will help your life to improve for the better. Pick one or more and try them out. And always remember that No One or Nothing can make you feel bad. You are in control of how you feel at all times, even if someone dies, you can still stay in your Power. Think of all the great memories, the time you did spend with that person, all the happy moments. Be Glad not Sad. And as the song says, Don’t worry Be Happy!

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  • Take a walk: Even for 10-15 minutes. If you can, take a walk outside in nature, but a stroll back and forth in your condo/house will do the trick
  • Eat Breakfast: If you drink coffee like me. You may not be hungry. Eggs are quick and easy. Even an Apple will help. Piece of whole wheat toast is also a quick and easy option to help soak up the caffeine. My doc says to have some source of protein and a bit of carbs. In 2022 Protein seems to be very important.
  • Meditate: Take 5 minutes out of your day and just breathe. I like the square box breathing method. Close your outer eyes and Breathe in 4 seconds, hold for 6 seconds and breathe out s l o w l y for 8 seconds. It is on the out breath that your body will relax. If it’s hard to sit still all alone, try a YouTube video or use the CALM app. If I can’t get right on the square box breathing, I go straight to the Panic SOS meditation on the CALM app. Just 4 minutes does wonders for your secondary world.
  • Use Affirmations: When appearances seem to be going off the wrong road. It’s good to have some pre-made affirmations in your pocket. Pull them out and read them over and over for the next 5 minutes and throughout the day. Or you can have your favorite affirmation memorized so when the boss yells at you, just repeat in your mind, your favorite affirmation over and over as the appearance fades into the secondary world. Affirmations can also be called Affirmative Prayer. Keep your mind on the Good and the Positive. I use this memorized affirmation: I am Happy, I am 100% Healthy, I am Peaceful and Prosperous, I am in my Power.. Right Now.
  • Watch Eric Butterworth’s You Always Have a Choice on YouTube. He will remind you that no one or nothing can affect your happiness and Secondary World.
  • Hobby It: You know, it took me a long time to realize that doing a hobby can be just as good for you and affect the same chemicals in your brain as mediation does and its fun to do! I like to check out and make collages, paint, play basketball, swim, surf, write various blogs and make clothes. Getting lost in a hobby is a great way to get you into the Secondary World.
  • Shop: I may get some flack for this one. But one of my favorite ways to space out, feel calm and tune in, is to shop for clothes and shoes at real stores. My perfect day would be a nice breakfast, some cardio, then jumping in a cab and going to Soho in NYC to shop. I like to touch and feel the fabrics and take pictures of the fashions on the street. And of course buy some nice shoes, shirts or pants. Retail therapy does work. But, be careful so it doesn’t get out of hand. Pro Tip: Use Cash Only.
  • Pray: You can do morning mid day and nightly prepared prayers. Or just thinking good thoughts all day is also another way to pray. Think of all the good in the world, all day throughout your day.
  • Help others: Help out at the soup kitchen, Usher at Church, donate your time at a non-profit. I like to randomly put shoes and clothes by my local basketball court (Cartwright Park) for others to stumble upon to lighten up their day with a big smile.
  • Read: Settle in and read some good spiritual books like Fear Not, Think and Grow Rich, Discover the Power within You, the Bible, Lessons in Truth, the Power of Now, the Revealing Word, I of the Storm, the Teachings of Buddha, Psycho-cybernetics, Mind-the Master Power, and When everything changes, change everything. Just 10 minutes of enriching reading per day will change your life.
  • Practice Gratitude: Every morning when you wake up write down 10 things you are grateful for. Then before you go to bed write down another 10 things your are grateful for. Write them down, then read them out loud. It’s hard to be in the appearance world when you are grateful you will easily flow into the Secondary World…Pretty immediately.

Pick one or more thing on the list above and give it a try, I guarantee you will be more and more in the Secondary world and less in the world of appearance.

Do you believe that there are 2 or more worlds out there? What would you add to the list of things to do to access the Secondary World? Let us know in the comments section below.

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*Today’s blog post done by Scott Mackenzie without notes, videos, or internet quotes. From the always present, always available, Great World of the Secondary World.

Have a Positive, Pleasant, Peaceful Day!

Huna Das Happiness Sunday Sermon

21 Days to a New You

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Refrain from Complaining in your Membrane

We tend to give you something to do, today we are giving you something not to do. Do NOT Complain…ever. Whatever you may think is going on around you, do not complain about it. High Gas prices, covid, unhealthy body parts, lack of Money. They are all illusions. God is large and in charge and always available to you.

Complaining will do nothing for you! Spirit will only hear complaining and negativity and will give you more to complain about. Spirit needs to hear God talk, Powerful positive conversations, Loving compassion, Praise of yourself and others.

Complaining brings more to complain about

Love brings more Love

Joy brings more Joy

Happiness brings more Happiness

You get it, think of great awesomeness and get the correct rewards. Complain or be negative and the universe will bring you more of that! Think of what you would like to receive and think it all day long. What kinds of things you think and say will come your way

Where Attention Goes, Power Flows

Now, you can address an issue. This is different than complaining. This would be like telling the waiter that your steak isn’t cooked enough, Can you please cook it up some more? This does not mean going off on how the restaurant isn’t as good as it once was, how the Chefs were better before, it’s too Hot in here, prices are so high. Actually its bad for me to even write these things that are negative. I need to protect my own consciousness as I teach today’s tips for better success in life. Don’t complain or be negative, but it is ok to address an issue. You are not a door mat when you are practicing spiritual laws

You could say something like this: Please cook my steak some more, your earrings are beautiful, have a nice evening. This is a lot better way to get things done than to complain. You can address a problem, go to the source to fix it or come up with your own idea on how to fix it. Complaining will not get you results you are looking for like solution finding will

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Put a stretchy bracelet or a rubber band on your wrist. Try to go 21 days without complaining, criticizing or condemning. If you do one of these 3 things, SNAP your wrist band (OUCH!) For every bad C you do, you get punished and reminded that complaining brings pain and unhappiness. Your goal is to bring Excitement, Happiness, Peace and Joy to the Party!

If you bump into a complaint party at the “water cooler” Either leave immediately or give words of encouragement, praise or positivity. Remember as Eric Butterworth taught us we ALWAYS HAVE A CHOICE! Today’s choice is to choose Happiness, Peace, Prosperity, Wisdom and Joy. No complaining is allowed. Do not even do it a little bit. There is zero tolerance on complaining for the next 21 days, then you can decide what to do for the next 21 days.

Best wishes on your next 21 days to a more successful Life. I wish you Blessings Today and many more on the way!

Today’s article inspired by Gaylon McDowell at CUT, Norman Vincent Peale, Eric Butterworth and Charles Fillmore. 2/18/22

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Have a Positive, Pleasant, Peaceful Day!

Mind Tool Kit

Quick & Easy Vibratory Increase

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Praise your way to a higher Frequency

Some days you may be in a bigger hurry than others, you may forget to pray or meditate. If you need an quick and easy fix, just read Philippians 4:8. Read it 5 times and immediately change your state of being.

feel old, if you think and say great thoughts, you will have an awesome day. Today, I had a stomach ache, so I concentrated very hard on Healthy, healing, uplifting thoughts and in doing so, I ran into Philippians 4:8 three times. First: I read it on my fridge door Second: I heard it in my spiritual class Third: It showed up on my bedtime YouTube Video. Seeing it so many times today, I decided to share it with you. Hope it helps with your situation. It’s a classic, yet still quick and effective way to praise your way to the top of the mountain

The following is Philippians Chapter 4 Verse 8 (4:8) AKA The Main Letter from the Apostle Paul


Read this daily or when you are in a crunch. Keep it on your wall, in your phone, near your car’s steering wheel. Use it, review it, and praise your way to a higher frequency

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Have a Positive, Powerful, Peaceful Day!

Huna Das Happiness Mind Sunday Sermon

Give and You shall Receive

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Bible Verse: I pray that out of his Glorious Riches he may strengthen you with Power through his spirit in your inner being. Ephesians 3:16

Affirmation: The Power of God flows through every cell in my body. Today, I am prosperous+powerful, strengthened by God filled with over flowing Abundance

Metaphysical interpretation/The teaching:

Awaken this morning Knowing that you are Prosperous and Abundant. Prosperity, Joy, Peace, and Happiness is always available to you, no matter what may seem to be happening around you. You are in charge of your own thoughts and reality. So make your world Prosperous, Joyful, Peaceful and Happy

To increase your abundance. Give something to someone or many ones today. Be it cash money, some AJ1’s from your back closet, or pay the food for the person behind you in line at the Grocery store.

If you don’t have a physical donation to give or money in your pocket. Give blessings and good wishes to all that you meet and greet throughout your day. You could say in your mind. You are Blessed and Prosperous today, I am Blessed and Prosperous today. Say this in your mind to everyone you meet today and see the rewards.

Remember, its not just the words that come out of your mouth that radiate vibrations. Your thoughts will radiate light + love sending a higher (or lower) Vibration into the world. Watch your thoughts, whatch your talking, If they are of lack ore negativity…Stop those thoughts now and change to positive prosperous thoughts

Today’s the day to give cash money, donations of food, clothes or kicks. Or send Good blessings to all you meet. Give and ye Shall receive. This is the Law of Giving and Receiving. Since it’s labeled a law it will manifest and it becomes your reality

Do not fret or worry, remember worry is a negative form of prayer. Stay Strong, Prosperous and Happy. God is within you all the time and with God all things are possible.

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Have a Positive, Powerful, Peaceful Day!

Mind Sunday Sermon

You can do it but at what cost?

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In the month of November 2021 I repeated the words I am Prosperous and Abundant Right now. I started with 2-4 times a day and by the end of the month I was up to 30-40x per day. I had a goal of hitting my sales budget at work. Even though we were still in a semi lock down due to Covid, I decided I could do it.

I repeated the affirmation so many times that I came within 3k of hitting my November goal and it helped me with my December numbers, which is at 120% of budget. This came from a lot of the work I did in November. (Today’s date 12/12/21)

I like to think I usually stay in a pretty good state of balance. Money, Relationships, Food and Shelter, Exercise, Spiritual and controlling my Mind Power. In November, I slipped on pretty much everything except Prosperity. I can tell you from this experience, that things you may not think you can do, you can. But it may take a toll on the other aspects of your state of being.

In December it caught up to me. I got extremely bloated, was tired, and had headaches. This past Saturday, my stomach got so bloated it was Hard like a Rock and I couldn’t go to the bathroom for 2.5 days. I thought I had a bowel blockage and they wanted me to come to the ER. I calmed myself, ate only fruit and vegetables and got exercise and SLEPT. I fell better now (Monday). The cause of my body getting out of whack was due to not eating right, not enough exercise, I had stopped meditating and was basically just doing one thing. Trying to hit my numbers through affirmation and action.

I do not recommend being on a one track plan. I do want you to know that you can do anything thru God who strengthens you. Things are possible. But to sacrifice your health is not Good. God would not want you to do that.

I am proud that I almost hit my numbers in November and over achieved in December. But I am not happy that I could have ended up in the hospital.

Ya know, what else happened during all of this. 6 people at my job quit. We only have 34 people, now we have 28. I was so set on hitting my budget and staying out of any fray. I must not have noticed anything around me. I worked on myself to be prosperous so much that I lost touch with my co-workers. It’s not a normal month, when 6 people disappear. Good thing is I’ll never know what they THOUGHT they saw happening around and to them. Because I was just working on myself to get to my goal.

PRO TIP: I picked this tip up in November. People like to gossip and talk about why people left. This or that or whatever it was. Number one: Remember No one or Nothing can affect your good mood. Number two: If asked why did they leave, just say: You gotta ask them, I don’t know. And you really don’t know. I love this saying and will use it more often when confronted with unwanted gossip.

Today’s lesson: You can achieve whatever you set your mind to do. Use affirmations, action and a positive attitude. But do not forget about the other quadrants in your life. You could end up hurting yourself badly. It may be better to hit 80% of your goal and stay healthy.

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Have a Positive, Powerful, Peaceful Day!


God is Good + You are Good

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I am Happy, I am Healthy, I am Powerful, I am Abundant Right Now

You are the Thinker that Thinks the Thought that Thinks the Thing-Jonny Coleman Christ Universal Temple

Nothing or No one can affect my Good Mood. I am always having the experience of my oneness with God. God is Good all the Time. Thus, I am Good always everyday.

I am Happy, Healthy, Powerful, and Abundant Right Now. Nothing will interfere with this. I always have a choice and I choose God.

I give Love, I receive Love

I give Prosperity, I get prosperous

I Praise others, I am praised

Whatever I give to the Universe I receive it back to me multiplied by Seven. I do not give only to receive. I give so that others will see their own Light, Be happy and let them know God is always within them. And all things are working for their Good. God is Good all the Time.

I do not let lack or despair creep into me. I put myself into the Vortex of Good.

Lesson to get out of Lack. You’ll want to be creative with a steady stream of ideas and free flow of divine ideas. If you feel you are unwell in Mind Body or Spirit. Do something about it now! Some thoughts on what you can do now are:

Meditate, Pray, Exercise, Read affirmations, Chant. Give clothes, shoes or food to others. Do something now to feel better. Feeling best is good, but feeling better is where you want to be.

I am Happy, I am Healthy, I am Powerful and I am Abundant Right Now.

No one or nothing can change my grateful attitude. At times you may think others are upsetting you. But it is YOU who determine how you feel. You can not control others, You can not control what people say to you, You CAN decide how to receive and react to the world. Today, tomorrow and always. You have a choice. Decide right now to choose Good, Positive thoughts, feelings and Actions.

I gotta say it one more time. No One or nothing can affect your mood. Only YOU can affect your own mood. If someone berates you. Stay above it and don’t let it affect you. And don’t react either. Maybe take a deep breath or repeat an affirmation. I know it is hard to do, but it is possible, just takes some practice.

Stay strong and be all the Great you are meant to be. Step forward in your Power and Glory of your God/Christ Mind. Remember God is always Good, thus you are always Good.

It only takes one idea to change your life. Take time to think abundant ideas to help others and to help yourself. Think God thoughts. Think Good thoughts. No pity parties allowed.

Have a Great and Wonderful Day!

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The above was written after week 6 of 12 in my class entitled Fear Not taught by Reverend Valerie McGee. I just stayed in the mood from the class and let my mind flow to produce the words on the paper. Thank You to Reverend Val and the Book Fear Not by Martha Smock.

Have a Positive, Powerful, Peaceful Day!