Body Mind Spirit Sunday Sermon

Shi Heng Yi

The 5 Hindrances to self-mastery. Shi Heng Yi…A Ted Talk

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I’ve been without a remote for a few days. Thus, I’ve been watching a lot of YouTube. Mainly talks and exercises by Shi Heng Yi. The videos just keep playing one after another, after.. It’s a new path for me. But like all spiritual paths, it can and will help you if you apply it. As I’ve said before, All spiritual efforts lead to one place-GOD. I believe, take the tools that resonate best with you and mix and match them for your own spiritual success or as they say in 2021-Your own Self Mastery. Everyone is different. Take what works for you and Use it. The main thing to do is to do whatever it is. Don’t just read about it.

Much of the info I wrote out is from Shi Heng Yi and some is the authors own thoughts. Just want to let you know that ahead of time. Because Yi does mention, he isn’t going to show you the way, just give suggestions. Thus I added on some decent definition to help you out. If you want just Yi’s information the video is down below

When you see more clear. Human interactions become easier. Goals and Inspirations become easier to attain

Find a Way to get to do the things you like to do

Clarity: You see more clear, You feel more clear, you can decide for yourself what to do to reach your goals and aspirations

There are two mistakes along the way to Self-Mastery: Not starting it and not going all the way

The Shaolin Temple Europe labels 5 states of mind that you don’t want to be in, which are the 5 hindrances. Being in any of these 5 states makes it difficult to find your way

Photo by Francesco Ungaro on

The 5 Hindrances

  1. SENSUAL DESIRE: A Positive emotion that can appear through the 5 senses. Seeing, Hearing, Smelling, Tasting, & Feeling. These can be good for a while. But once you follow the temptation too many times and want to stay too long in this area, it becomes an Obsession, which is bad. It’s hard to find clarity by staying to0 long in Sensual Desire. Stay for a bit then get out. Like 2 drinks in a night might be ok, but becoming a hardcore alcoholic is not what you want to do
  2. ILL WILL: State of the mind that provides negative emotions. A dislike about an object, a situation or a person. If you dislike something, You must learn to let go of Ill Will. One of the reasons I’ve watched this video 5x today, is during my day today, I got stuck getting irritated with a situation at work. I did the Shaolin Qi Gong for an hour. Meditated 3 times and took a walk. These all aided me to get rid of my ILL Will. But after writing this I will do one more thing, Yoga Nidra. Some days, it’s just harder to get peaceful. Today was one of those days for me. But I took action and am almost at peace. I know I should just say, Peace is within me now and be done with it. That’s supposed to work from all that I teach and think. Just sometimes, you or I need to do more to chase the Ill Will away
  3. DULLNESS/HEAVINESS: Sleepiness, lack of energy, non motivation, can manifest into depression. You feel imprisoned. And it it hard to make a mental or physical decision. You need to Find a way to get out of this state of mind
  4. RESTLESSNESS: An unsettled mind that worries about the future or travels to the past. This is the monkey mind. Jumping around from past to future without staying long enough in the present moment. Try not to judge things and get out of this state of mind
  5. SKEPTICAL DOUBT: Indecisiveness. Lost in thoughts. Can I do this? What will people think? Is this the right path? You may have many doubts and get stuck instead of moving on. Too much doubt will get you stuck. Get Out and feel decisive, positive and free

What to do about the 5 Hindrances. Prevent them from arising. Use techniques to rid yourself of them. In other videos Shi Heng Yi teaches various movements of the body while breathing. Meditation is also good, so is doing a hobby like sewing, painting and sports. These keep your mind calm and in the present moment. One does not need to do real mediation (but it does help). You can do your hobby and it will work very well also. Or of course you can mix the 2 options. I personally do the Calm app SOS, Yoga Nidra, Kirtan, write, read, walk, play basketball and sometimes paint and surf.

Photo by Wouter de Jong on

4 Things to do about the 5 Hindrances

  1. Recognize: What state of mind you are in
  2. Accept: Learn to accept how a situation is, why people are like this. Allow things to be how they are, let people be as they are. You can not change them. but you can change how you perceive them. Stay calm when faced with verbal bullying. Learn martial arts for physical attacks.
  3. Investigate: Your emotional and mental state and question it. Ask questions? Why? What will be the consequence when I stay like this
  4. Non Identify: It is the practice. I am not the Body, I am not the Mind, I am not my Emotions. I can see these 3 aspects about me, but they are not me. I am a spiritual being living in a human body

Be Unique. Try not to copy others. Bring meaning to your life. Learn and master yourself and don’t let the hindrances stop you. Learn to live a healthy life. Healthy Body and Healthy Mind

Three Main Things to Do:

  1. Physical Movement Qi Gong, Kung Fu, Martial Arts
  2. Intention of the Mind/Mind action/control
  3. Learn How to use your Breathe

I know it’s a lot of words today, take what works for you and leave the rest on the page. Or watch the video and formulate your own plan. Today, I needed to do what I like to do to get our of a hindrance. And that is to write and to hopefully help someone else on their journey.

For more on Shi Heng Li, check out his website here

Here is the Mind, Body and Soul exercise session that I did today to help me get out of Ill Will. It helped but did upset my back a bit, so be careful when doing any of the various trainings. Glad I didn’t try the Kung Fu today.

Have a Positive, Pleasant, Peaceful Day!

Body Mind Sunday Sermon Tool Kit

You Always Have a Choice

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As of today (Friday 6/4/21) I can claim that I have the worst backache in my entire life. But that won’t do be any good in healing it. I need to think thoughts of healing and health. Not only do I need to think these thoughts, but I need to say them out loud. The quickest affirmation I use personally is “I am 100% Healthy Right Now”. I said this many times daily during the pandemic and even simple as it is, it works. I say it even more times today as I heal my body into complete health and wellness

I also take action to improve my health to optimal performance. I apply ice to my back for 20 minutes, then I heat it for 20 minutes all day everyday. I take the healing efforts as close the NBA level as I can. I take turmeric, eat fruits + vegetables + anti-inflammatory foods, drink lots of water and take a bit of medicine. But mainly I think my way to perfect health. I have a choice to dwell on the pain or take action to improve my well being with positive, health filled thoughts


When I feel myself going the wrong way, I turn to Eric Butterworth’s You Always have a Choice video. Butterworth was a Unity Minister and new thought teacher for over 30 years. And he says the number one thing he would like to let the world know is, You Always have a Choice

Here is the video for reference. Or you can read his thoughts and mine below the video if you are in a hurry.

Eric Butterworth’s Highlights of the video above: (I’m sure I added a few things here and there, but that’s ok. Its all good, just adding to the Good Vibes attitude of Today’s healing choice filled energy)

  • One simple Idea. The most important insight is Y0u Always have a Choice. There is no such thing as a choice-less Life
  • Things may happen around you or to you. But you Always have a choice to how you react to your surroundings. Choose to be Positive, Happy and Calm
  • You can’t regulate the weather, but you have a choice on how your react to it. If it rains, bless the plants, think of the drinking water the rain provides. You don’t have to complain about the rain.
  • If someone gets under your skin. You let them do it to you. You can Always choose not to let them inside your thoughts. You can hate or you can Love, you can choose which to do.
  • The incident is external, but the reaction is internal. And it is for you to choose. Reminder: It is Always your choice to choose your own thoughts.
  • He made me mad! No he did not! You Chose to be Mad. Don’t let others decide that you are mad! Stay calm, think peaceful loving thoughts.
  • Life without emotion has no zest. But watch your emotions and change them to good thoughts. We can correct the situation. You are not your emotions. You control your emotions. Don’t let them get out of control. You Always have a choice
  • No matter how bad things may seem. You can Always turn on the LIGHT. Choose to turn the Light on now
  • Age-Education-The Economy-Disease: Whatever is is that you are thinking, you can Always change your thoughts. Change a minus into a positive. Color your thinking with the Colors that you choose
  • Don’t react with hostility. It just brings more negatives. Choose to stay calm. You Always have a Choice!
  • Smile, be happy, enthused and Loving
  • Do you worry about money? Like you don’t have a choice? You do have a choice. Don’t worry, Bless what you do have. Be in the flow of substance. Like the vast ocean, there is a limitless abundance of wealth to be found by you, if not today, tomorrow. You can choose abundance over lack
  • All things work together for the Good. Remember Good is God and God is Always Good
  • Consciousness can Always be changed. Choose your attitude. Choose your mood. Rise above. Sit on Top of the World. No matter what happens in and around you, all that matters is what you think within your own mind. You Always have a Choice. Good, bad, Happy, sad. Choose wisely. Choose Good over evil. Faith over fear, Love over hate. You do have options. Live in the flow of God and the Good. Remember you ALWAYS have a choice and the choice is yours and only yours to make, and As Wham would say: Choose Life
Photo by Sebastian Ervi on

A Couple of final thoughts, just in case you may need them today



Photo by Josh Sorenson on

Have a Positive, Pleasant, Peaceful Day!

Body Tool Kit

Freeze your Fear

Fight, Flight. Or Freeze it Away

F-E-A-R=False Evidence Appearing Real…But when your brain believes it to be real, it can be scary. Which brings your body back to the caveman days. So many, many, many years ago when the Big Mammal came to attack, you either Fought it (Fight) or took off running as fast as you could (Flight or Flee).

Nowadays in January 2021, some things may come your way, where you feel fearful and feel it’s time to Fight or Flee. There’s various ways to help you with the Fear factor. In this Soulution, we look at The Wim Hof Method.

Wim Hof’s wife committed suicide in 1995, the father of four was completely paralyzed by fear of the future. He experimented with various methods and landed on controlling his breath and focusing his mind to overcome extreme cold temperatures. By doing this, when his body felt fear, he was able to “scare” it away since he had effectively trained his mind not to freak out when cold temperatures came his way, he was able to use it in other situations to stay C-A-L-M in the face of FEAR.

Try the Two-Minute Method

The Goal is to take a very cold shower for Two-Minutes. Temperature should be under 60 degrees. I’d suggest just using only the Cold water, but depending where you live, you may need to add a tad of the Hot. Where I live in Hawaii, the Cold isn’t that cold, so I will try 100% cold water.

The method says to start your shower as normal with warm water. Then spray your feet, then legs and Immerse more from there. Try the full immersion at :10 or :15 seconds building up to :30 seconds. You’ll want to do the full immersion target of Two-Minutes to effectively use this method. Wim Hof says you’ll want to do the Two-Minutes for 5 days a week for 4 weeks. This, along with some breathing techniques, will train your mind to take over the Fight or Flight response.

With Success at the Two-Minute Cold Shower 5 days a week for 4 weeks, you will feel empowered to face fear in other situations. And from what Added Bonus: I’ve read and heard, the cold showers should help improve your immune system. Just be careful when trying this method of improving your life. A gradual process is probably best. I’ve never done this before, but am willing to give it a try. How Bout you? Wanna give it a go? Or let us know how you deal with fear in your life, give us a suggestion or Two in the comments Section.

Here’s a helpful video on safety tips on taking these cold showers:

Here is the “Iceman” telling first hand the method and the various things that the Cold Shower will help you with:

Have a Positive, Powerful, Pleasant, Peaceful Day!